3,5mm für die Rippen / for ribbing, 3,75mm für den Rest / for the rest
Donnerstag, 31. Dezember 2009
Silvester 2009
3,5mm für die Rippen / for ribbing, 3,75mm für den Rest / for the rest
Sonntag, 29. November 2009
Noch mehr Geschenke / More Gifts
200g für den Schal / for the scarf, 50g für die Stulpen / for the wristlets
Sonntag, 8. November 2009
Geschenke / Gifts
The cable on the headband is the same as the border of Stockport (have a look at the previous post).
200 g Scala by Junghans Wolle
Garn / Yarn:
50g Scala
Garn / Yarn:
250g Colora von Lang Yarns
Stockport / Rowan Magazine No. 46
Stockport by Sarah Hatton
Rowan Magazine No. 46
600 g Time by Lang Yarns (discontinued)
7mm, 8mm
Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2009
Lila Sonntag / Purple Sunday
My Botanica out of the magazine Vogue Knitting Spring/Summer 2009 is finished. I was obsessed to finish her soon - knitting the outer ring took only a few days. I made some mods 'cause I didn't like the border of the original too much - so I used an idea out of Ravelry for that.
Anleitung/Pattern: Botanica, Vogue Knitting Spring/Summer 2009
Garn/Yarn: 450g Scottish Tweed DK of Rowan, 113m/50g
Nadeln/Needles: 4,5mm
Garn:Yarn: 100g Kidsilk Aura of Rowan, 75m/25g
Nadeln/Needles: 6mm
Dienstag, 1. September 2009
Dreieinhalb neue FO's / Three and a half new FO's
This will be a knitty post today because I have a lot to show.
For example this little guy here which I knitted secretly before we started into our holidays and carried him to the seaside. He was a birthday gift for my beloved husband who is born in the sign of crayfish - and he loved him at first sight. The little crab (my husband gave him the name "Horst") is now watching over our ship, didn't want to go away from sea...
As I first saw the pattern in the Knitty Summer Issue (click) I knew from scratch I have to knit him. A neat project which offers you a lot of fun while knitting and finishing it - excellent pattern by the way.
This is my second "Martha" from Rowan Studio Issue Two and made of the same yarn as "Horst, the crab". I love the design so much so I wanted a summer issue of it. Finished about a week ago it was worn several times in the office since then - a real favourite.
Yarn/Garn: 300gr Linie 107 Supersoft Online,
130m/50gr, 60% Cotton, 40% Acrylic
Needles/Nadeln: 3,5 mm / 3,75 mm
Past weekend I finished another "Rundt Regnet-Vest" which will be a birthday gift for my godchild in november. The yarn from my stash - unfortunately discontinued - is pleasant to knit with and looks wonderfully. Have a look on it - this is my neighbor modeling (thanks B.):

Pattern/Anleitung: Rundt Regnet von Bente Geil
Yarn/Garn: 300 gr Oasis von Lang Yarns, 80m/50gr,
41% Cotton, 37% Linen, 22% Viscose
Last but not least this common project (therefore only a half FO). Another Retro Redux Shrug. I purchased the yarn a long time ago in a sale, began to knit and realized that this color is not mine. I talked to a colleage who knitted very much in times when the DDR still existed. She wanted to finish it for herself. That was in february 2009. Last week she came to me and asked me to finish it. Okay then, I did it. Again this is my dear neighbor modeling the FO (she's pretty good, isn't she?):

Pattern/Anleitung: Retro Redux Shrug aus Lace Style
Yarn/Garn: 300 gr Pettinato von Lana Grossa, 100% Cotton, 90m/50gr
Needles/Nadeln: 5mm, 5,5mm, 6mm, 6,5mm, 7mm
At last a little potpourrie of my garden. The last blossoms show the full beauty, the beloved hydrangeas and the hibiskus bring up a lot of color to my garden. In the meantime ist it september - spider month - many of them wove their nets and hang in wait for prey.

Der Sommer verabschiedet sich jetzt nach und nach in kleinen Schritten ... ich mag den kommenden Herbst auch sehr.
Summer says goodbye now in little pieces ... but I love the coming autumn, too.
Bis bald und liebe Grüße, see you
Mittwoch, 19. August 2009
Urlaubsimpressionen / Holiday impressions
Freitag, 31. Juli 2009
Nordlicht und frische Fische / Northern Lights and Crazy Fishes
Sonntag, 21. Juni 2009
Rote Kreationen / Red Creations

I purchased the yarn Cambio of Lana Grossa in this irresistible shade of RED last year in my LYS and knitted already the back of the shirt. But then summer was gone and winter knitting projects were more interesting.
So it was high time yet to finish the shirt now. Again it is improvised, I knitted this pattern some years ago and I love it. It is so simple, has a wonderful drape and flatters the shapes.
Lacy Red Shirt
500 g Cambio von Lana Grossa
(125m/50g, 70% Cotton, 30% Microfiber)
Nadeln / Needles: 3,5 mm
Diese wundervollen roten Johannisbeeren aus unserem Gärtchen gab es an den letzten beiden Wochenenden jeweils als Kuchen auf einem herrlichen Mürbeteigboden mit Schlagsahne - mmmh. Ich liebe diesen herben, leicht säuerlichen Geschmack und freue mich jedes Jahr auf die frischen Früchte. Das liegt bestimmt auch an diesem unwiderstehlichen ROT...
And these delicious redcurrants of our tiny garden tasted so good on a cake with whipped cream on the last two weekends - mmmh! I love this slightly sour taste and every year I'm looking forward to these fruits being ripe. Certainly because of this irresistible RED...
Freitag, 29. Mai 2009
Ganz viel Grün!/ Very much Green!
Rambling Leaves Tunic
Diesmal also ein von mir völlig improvisiertes Design. Es gab keine Anleitung, nur eine Idee und das Garn aus meinem Vorrat. Vom Schnitt her erinnert meine Tunika an die Bonsai Tunic, aber die Anleitung konnte ich mit dem mir zur Verfügung stehenden Garn nicht verwenden. Außerdem wollte ich weder im unteren Teil ein Lochmuster noch Noppen auf der Brust ;-)).
This is a totally improvised design of my own. There wasn't any pattern at all just an idea and the yarn in my stash. The shapes are similar to the Bonsai Tunic but with summer tweed I couldn't use the pattern of it. Besides, I didn't want a lace pattern in the hip section of the tunic and bobbles on my bust ;-)).
Zum ersten Mal habe ich übrigens einen echten I-Cord mit drei Maschen gestrickt und es ging gut - die Übergänge der Reihen sind nicht zu sehen! Wahrscheinlich liegt das aber auch an der Unregelmäßigkeit der Summer Tweed, allerdings habe ich die Maschen immer schön fest angezogen. Ganz zum Schluss kam mir die Idee, den I-Cord mit je einem Blättchen abzuschließen. Die Anleitung dazu habe ich in Nicky Epstein's Buch "350 Knitted Embellishments" gefunden. Süß, oder?
I managed to knit an i-cord for the first time in my life and it went right - there are no breaks between the rows to be seen. Perhaps it comes from the yarn but I pulled the stitches very tight while knitting the i-cord. Finally, I had the idea to knit a leaf on each end of the i-cord. I found a pattern for them in Nicky Epstein's book "350 Knitted Embellishments". Aren't they sweet?
Jedenfalls ist Kleidungsstück bei dieser Improvisation herausgekommen, das jetzt herrlich angenehm zu tragen ist.
Ich wünsche Euch frohe Pfingsten mit Euren Lieben, schönes Wetter und viel Zeit zum Stricken,
Eure Susanne
The result is a garment which is very pleasant to wear in this time of the year.
I wish you all a Happy Whitsun with your beloved ones, beautiful weather and a lot of time to knit,
Yours Susanne
Montag, 18. Mai 2009
Bambuszöpfe und Herzen / Bamboo Cables and Hearts
Here it is, my Cable Sweater out of this blue Bamboo Soft of Rowan Yarns. Finished a few days ago there was finally time at the weekend to take pictures.
Before finishing the sweater I had to make these two heart pillows for my nieces who now have their anniversaries one quickly after the other. The yarn is "Tiramisu" of Lana Grossa (100% microfibre) which the kids do love. With 6mm needles the four hearts fo front and back each were quickly knit without any pattern. The rest was done with my old sewing machine, a red lining and sme filling of an old pillow.
I close today with a little peek into my tiny garden where we had a wonderful dinner yesterday ... mmh, it was delicious!

Have a good time and keep on knitting,
Dienstag, 28. April 2009
Frühlingsstrickereien / Spring Knitting
Das Modell ist aus einem aktuellen deutschen (!) Strickheft (Stricktrends) und hat mir gleich auf Anhieb gefallen. Nachdem ich vor ein paar Wochen meine Wollvorräte neu sortiert und in meine Wollvitrine eingeräumt hatte, wußte ich auch gleich, aus welchem Garn ich den Pulli stricken wollte. Es ist Bamboo Soft von Rowan in einem wundervollen Blauton und das Garn scheint wie geschaffen zu sein für die leichten Rüschen, die sich im glatt rechts gestrickten Saum durch das nachfolgende Zopfmuster bilden. Vorder- und Rückenteil sind inzwischen fertig und der erste Ärmel in Arbeit.
The pattern is from a German (!) knitting magazine (Stricktrends) and I loved it at first sight. And I had the right yarn in my stash: Bamboo Soft of Rowan Yarns in this beautiful shade of blue. It has a wonderful drape of the ruffles which come from the cables above. Back and front are already finished and I am working on the first sleeve now.
So, nun wünsche ich Euch noch eine gute Woche und viel Spaß beim Frühlings- bzw. Sommerstricken. Bis bald